Just Make It!
In my humble opinion, too much rote analysis dulls our intuition and leads to inaction. I believe, it is action or “learning by making” that informs our intuition and allows us to take a holistic approach to problem solving. Our intuition tells us when and how to take action while avoiding deadly mistakes. And we build our intuition through the experiences of trial and error. However, we must balance our experience by only making errors that we can recover from.
Even greater, it is our experience that helps us find meaningful goals and aspirations that guide us. Our goals and aspirations motivate us to face the world and make something happen. Finding an aspiration is a challenge for an individual and even more daunting for a team of people or large organization. Still, the advice is the same, get out there and face the world. Discover new thoughts and ideas by traveling abroad, or looking for inspiration in analogous systems or natural phenomena.
Get out and meet your customers, your current and future competitors, your stakeholders, experts and other wise people. Don’t just talk or study, but find ways to experience what they experience. This will build your intuition about your customers’ needs, allow you to challenge your deeply held beliefs and give you and your team the courage to exploit the opportunities that lay before you. Then create something new to the world and observe what happens.
The results will be unexpected – you will learn and then course correct toward your goals and aspirations.
This was the theme of our Design Thinking + Making Workshop...to kickstart or reinforce building intuition through Design Thinking and then Making something new to the world.
Please enjoy the memories of the workshop @ Seoul FabLab held on December 10th and 11th, 2016.